Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Home Purchasing Checklists Provide Protection

Home purchasing checklists provide protection for consumers with useful information for future home repairs or current home repairs that will need to be done before the home is sold. Home inspectors often use checklists like these, while they're inspecting the home.

If more home shoppers used home inspection checklist while shopping for houses, we would probably have more satisfied homebuyers than dissatisfied ones. Recently just purchasing a home, we had our real estate professional, the previous homeowner's real estate professional and a mortgage lender, involved in the purchase of the property.

There was a home inspection report from the current homeowners, available for us to look at. It provided us with the damaged parts of the home that were repaired or replaced. Some of these repairs were from termite damage and it was stated so on the report. This was helpful information for us as we walked around the home inspecting it for damage.

The work that was repaired to look satisfactory and the rest of the home had minor damage. Listening to one of the real estate sales people that were involved in the transaction, you would've thought we would get in the deal of a lifetime and they had nothing but good news to say about the product they were representing. I easily understood that, this person could have influenced some one into believing that the home was in great shape, if they didn't have a home inspection checklist with them.

The home had been re-carpeted, painted and was in generally good shape. The problems with the home, were the old windows that were hard to open, the heating unit leaked gas, the tile flooring that ran through the kitchen and a large room addition looked great, except for one thing, they installed the tile over linoleum.

This eventually will have to be replaced as the tile starts to separate from the linoleum. While I'm writing this article, there's about 40 square feet of tile that needs to be replaced, because it's popping up and cracking.

A home purchasing checklist does not guarantee that you will find everything but can't eliminate some of the things that homeowners have the biggest problems with. If you could just eliminate one of these problems, the small price of purchasing, one of these checklists would be worth it.

Home purchasing checklists provide protection for the shopper and I would recommend, never shopping for a home without one.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

By Greg Vandenberge

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What is a Three Way Home Electrical Light Switch?

A three way home electrical light switch is a special light switch that can be used in your hallways, large rooms and stairways. These light switches are specially made to operate one light or a group of lights from two different locations.

They are most commonly found in hallways and provide a homeowner with the option of turning the light on at one end of the hallway and turning it off, when they are finished walking through the hallway and are about to enter into another room.

Before three way home electrical light switches were made, people would turn the hallway light on and leave it on or they wouldn't turn the hall light on at all, because they knew that after they walked down the dark hallway, they wouldn't be able to turn the light off at the other end.

Three-way light switches are also used in stairways. It makes a lot of sense, to be able to turn your stairway light on, at the bottom of the stairs and then after you have walked up the stairway safely, you can simply turn the stair lights system off.

As homes become larger, it's not going to be uncommon to find three way light switches being used at either end of large rooms. If your living room or family room was located within the center of your home and had an entrance at each end, it wouldn't be a bad idea to install a light switch at each end, for travelers who are simply walking through these room.

Remember that three-way light switches, are used to operate lights from two different locations.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Great Home Repair Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Encinitas Home Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Building Codes - Stairway Construction

The stair building code was created for building safety. Before the building code and local city enforcement (Building Inspectors), anyone could build a house. This meant Uncle Earl who had just watched a couple of his friends build a house down the street construct some sort of a dwelling. The next step for Earl would be to help these guys for a day and now he is a professional home builder. You get the point.

Stair Building Codes create the safety needed for one of the most hazardous areas of your home. You might know someone who has fallen down a stairway?

I lived in a house I built for 15 years and I redesigned the stairs from a winder design to a T shaped set of stairs. Both sets of stairs were built using the local stair building code for my city.

Wow I could not believe how many times my family members fell down the stairs. I even fell down once. I was amazed. When I switched from the winder to the T shaped stairway there were less accidents. My point is that even using the stair building codes this is a dangerous part of your house.

Having a professional stair builder install your stairs is great advice. Take it. For example this happened to me on quite a few jobs. I get a set of plans from a architect who has been designing houses for over 40 years. I looked at the stairway to find out that he has designed a stairway that is too small for the length of this part of the home. If I build the stairs using the plans that by the way were approved from the local building department, I could have a problem.

You are probably asking yourself how does this happen. Aren't these people experienced professionals. Of course they are. They probably have the U.B.C. (Uniform Building Code) in their office somewhere. Everyone makes mistakes here and there but this is one area of the home where safety is a big concern.

Just look at it like this. The stair building code was designed to improve the safety and reduce the number of accidents while using the stairs. Over the years I have seen stairs poorly designed and constructed. These stairs create problems for the owners of the buildings not just the people that use them. Did I mention lawsuits. This is one area where a lawyer will have a field day.

As a building professional I advise you to use the stair building code first for safety and second to avoid lawsuits. Get an idea from some of the pictures I have taken over the years on problems with stair building.

Use common sense while building or remodeling your home. It goes a long way.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Stair Building Articles

Retaining Walls Suffer From Moisture Problems

Whether you're driving down the road or through a neighborhood and you notice a retaining wall that has large cracks in it, or is severely discolored, or one that has white calcium deposits from moisture covering the entire wall, you've got problems with moisture.

The retaining wall is designed to hold the dirt back, that's it's sole purpose. It's not going to hold any moisture back unless someone has installed a waterproofing membrane to separate the soil from the concrete block wall. If the soil isn't ever going to get wet, then you probably don't need to waterproof the retaining wall.

However that's normally not going to be the case. So we need to waterproof the interior of our retaining walls to eliminate future moisture problems that could eventually, deteriorate as moisture starts to accumulate, inside of our block wall for a longer periods of time.

If you don't know anything about waterproofing, I would suggest that you hire a waterproofing expert. Waterproofing looks easier than it actually is, and might be out of your scope of work.

I'm not going to suggest that you use waterproofing paints, because I haven't seen great results with these products. However, if you're not that concerned about your retaining wall and are looking for a cheaper way to apply any waterproofing materials, these paints might not be a bad idea. Sometimes, Something is better than nothing.

If you live in a relatively dry climate, it might not be necessary to waterproof your retaining walls. But if you live in a damp or moist area, especially an area where the ground is moist all year round or more than six months out of the year, I would suggest that you waterproof the back of your retaining walls.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link House Basement Repair Ideas. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Dryer Vent In Basement Window.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Don't Let This Happen to You - Home Computer Electrical Damage

If you've read any of my other articles, you know that I am always coming up with great ideas, tips and even a couple of stories that can save homeowners lots of money. Here's another one of those stories, that involves a friend of mine who asked me if I could fix his outdoor electrical outlet.

I was over at his house one day, and told him that I could probably fix the electrical outlet and if we needed any parts, we could run down to the lumber yard and pick them up and his problem would be solved within a few hours. This two hour repair was about to cost him the hard drive on his computer, but neither one of us had any idea what was about to happen.

We each agreed to give it a shot, I told him to go over to the electrical panel and turn off the breaker that went to his outdoor shed. He proceeded to turn off the breaker and yelled out," It's off, try it." I plugged in an electric drill and it was still working, as he was walking around the corner, towards me, I showed him that the drill was still on and he hadn't turned off the right electrical breaker.

He went back and turned off a couple of more electrical breakers and the drill was still running. Now he frantically started to turn off one electrical breaker at a time, until I yelled out," It's off, the electrical power is, off you can stop."

I repaired the electrical outlet and he went back to turn every electrical breaker back on that he had turned off. We were proud of ourselves and he now had electrical power, back to his shed and he was happy.

Now for the bad news, his computer was running and when he turned the electricity off and on, it must've done something to his computer hard drive and it now needed to be replaced.

The moral to the story, isn't that you shouldn't help your friends. It's that you should, make sure that your computers are safely off, before you attempt to do any electrical work to your home.

It wouldn't be a bad idea, to have a battery backup, for your computer, if you use it often, just in case there is an electrical failure or something happens like the story above.

If your really interested in saving money on your home electrical bills - Energy Saving Books

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Monday, September 28, 2009

10 Things a Homeowner Won't Tell a Contractor - Common Courtesy

I've been a contractor in the state of California for over 20 years and there are some things that a homeowner won't tell a contractor. These are a few things that a contractor might want to hear, but a reluctant homeowner, might have second thoughts telling their contractors how they really feel.

1. We are happy with all of the work that you did in a timely manner and we appreciate your services.

2. We are happy with the way you performed your construction tasks, efficiently and we appreciate your services.

3. The work was done by a true professional and we would recommend you to any one of our friends.

4. The payment plan that you created in the contract worked out perfectly and never made us feel uncomfortable. It never seemed like you had too much of our money or we were putting you in a bad spot financially.

5. Thanks for keeping the job clean, it meant a lot to us, because we have seen other construction jobs that look like a tornado ran through them.

6. Thanks for helping us with our design. Working with your contractor on a daily, weekly or monthly basis can be frustrating or joyful. Let the contractor know either way how you are really feeling.

7. You and your crew are extremely hard-working and we appreciate the simple fact that you didn't come to work late or leave early.

8. Thanks for the reasonable priced estimate on our project. You helped us say a lot of money and we appreciate that sincerely.

9. Thanks for doing the extra work at a reasonable price. You could have gouged us at certain times, but you chose to be fair and work things out, in a way that would benefit both of us.

10. This one is the most important and often overlooked by homeowners and it's simple and easy to do. Thanks for doing what you said you were going to do and actually doing it.

Just a simple thank you and paying them on time, for a service well done is enough for most contractors. However, a little common courtesy can go a long way, even in the construction industry.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Home Remodeling Contractor

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Click here if you're looking for additional Homeowner Contractor Advice. If you're interested in gathering more information on how to hire a good contractor, make sure that you visit our website.

Take Pictures of Your Growing Foundation Damage Or Cracks

I champion people and try to get them to look at their house, at least once a year. One of the easiest ways to inspect your home is to use a home inspection checklist and if you really want a good home inspection checklist, there's a good chance that you are going to need to purchase one. You get what you pay for and don't ever forget that.

Foundation repairs usually start with a small crack and that's no joke. If you notice a crack, take a picture of it and save it somewhere. If you think, that the crack is actually getting a little bigger or starting to separate, you can simply take another picture and compare the two photos.

I would like to give you an example of what I'm talking about. Sometimes we look at something and we think that it's getting larger, but we don't have anything to compare it to. As time goes on, we think that the crack is still getting larger, but our mind is creating an optical illusion. This happens to a lot of people.

If you had a picture, from a few years ago, you could refresh your memory and this could be very helpful in reducing your anxiety or jumping to conclusions about foundation damage. Trust me, sometimes, I'm like a medical emergency crew, going to visit a homeowner to relieve their foundations stress. People panic over foundation cracks and I'm the doctor they call for any one of their home emergencies.

I would also advise you to take pictures of the rest of your home. How hard would it be to take about 300 pictures of your home each year and store them on your computer or on a disk, for easy access later? A picture is worth a thousand words and don't ever forget that.

Click Here for Some More Great Foundation Repair Solutions.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Problems. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

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Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Tile Grouting Tips For Your Bathrooms, Kitchens and Floors

Isn't tile grouting supposed to be simple, if you read the directions and watch a couple of videos? What could make tile grouting so difficult? Grouting your tile isn't that difficult, by the time you're done reading this article, you should have a pretty good idea how to grout your floors, bathrooms, kitchens and anything else that requires tile.

I used to have problems grouting tile, but after I read the directions, I became a grouting wizard. This sounds hard to believe, but after reading the directions on the tile grout bag, I became a grout master. I know, you the type of person who never read the directions, you simply add water, mix and start grouting.

It's time to change your thinking about, whether or not the directions will be helpful. Whether it's about grouting your bathroom floor or putting together your home barbecued. I read one thing on the grout bag and it changed my entire grouting career.

The grout should slake. After you're done mixing the grout, you should wait between five and 10 minutes to let the moisture soak into the grout mix. Do this once, and you will never go back to mixing your grout and applying it, as quickly as possible after it has been mixed.

For more information on grouting, remodeling or home repairs, I would recommend reading books on home improvement and home repairs. Some of these books can make a big difference in your home improvement abilities as a handyman. I would also recommend reading more articles, there's plenty of information about tile and grouting, all over the Internet.

Click here if you are looking for some more Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Tips. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks for reading the article

Important Do-It-Yourself Home Remodeling Advice

Often I'm asked by homeowners, if they think that they can build something on their own. Often I end up explaining the process to them and it's pretty confusing. I would like to give some homeowners and construction handyman some do-it-yourself home remodeling advice, about projects that I think they should avoid and the reason why.

1. Working on Electrical Service Boxes

I really don't recommend, anyone who lacks experience working with electrical, to be working on it at all. When it comes to the electrical service box repairs, if you don't have any experience working in this specific area, I am suggesting this to all homeowners and do-it-yourselfers, stay away from electrical service power boxes. Electricity can be extremely hazardous to your health, so take my advice, this is coming from an expert on the subject.

2. Plumbing Water Supply Lines

I don't recommend, anyone who doesn't have any experience working with plumbing water supply lines, because if they break, or if your repair, doesn't hold properly, you could destroy a large portion of your home. Picture this, you just got through putting a new faucet in, everything looks great, but it's time for you to go to your baseball game. You come home about four hours later and the entire house is flooded with water.

This kind of stuff does happen and you need to take the advice of an expert here. It has even happened to me and I understand the process, pretty good. If you plan on fixing any plumbing water supply lines, make sure that you can spend the time, keeping an eye on your new home repair. If you're going to have any problems with them, they will usually happen within the first few hours of use.

I hope this helps, sometimes it's better to pay a professional, but I can understand, every intelligent person, is interested in saving a few dollars and learning new skills.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Pictures and Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Vista Home Repair Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remodel Your Home For Ease of Use - Universal Design and Aging in Place

As aging baby boomers consider staying in their homes, Universal Design and Aging in Place will be gaining more momentum in the years to come. Here are some practical home modification tips to promote safety, comfort and independence in everyday living.

What Is Universal Design and Aging in Place?
Universal Design is a concept that focuses on comfort, ease of access, and maneuverability within homes for all people, while aging in place is a popular lifestyle option for older homeowners preferring to safely and independently live in their homes.

Did You Know?
89% of people 50+ wish to remain in their own homes indefinitely, while National Association of Home Builders cites 75% of remodelers have seen an increase in requests for aging in place work.

Suggested Universal Design and Aging in Place home modifications include:
- Installing lights strategically to maintain a well-lit hallway

- Having non-slip interior and exterior flooring

- Replacing knobs with levers handles

- Setting up pantries and cabinetry with rollout cabinets and lazy Susans

- Mounting adequate handrails for stairways and ramps

- Building or installing a roll-in shower with multiple showerheads

- Installing a no-curb shower

Local Certified Remodeling Professionals
To address the growing number of consumers looking for local specialized professionals, the Remodelers Council of National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has created a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) resource directory for homeowners. You can visit their website for a list of local specialists in your area.

When remodeling for ease of use, look for simple and practical products which are safe to use and easy to maintain. With these simple and practical home modifications, you can design your home for how you would like to live now and for the future.

You are welcome to publish or reprint this article, free of charge, as long as the article remain unchanged, all hyperlinks are active, and the "About the Author" section is included in the reprint. The author is not liable for any loss profits, expenses, or any other damages resulting from the use or misuse of articles published on this website.

Villette Nolon is the President and CEO of HomeSavvi.
HomeSavvi provides free home remodeling instant inspiration. Online guide features home remodel design ideas, photos, expert advice, including bathroom and kitchen designs, budgets and costs and other helpful information.

Wood Flooring Problems In Bath

Handyman Salaries - Home Repairs

A handyman is a person who does odd jobs related to electrical fittings, plumbing, house cleaning, and garden upkeep. Salaries paid to handymen depend on whether they are self-employed or work for a contractor or franchisee. Self-employed handymen are paid on an hourly basis whereas handy men that work for an organization are paid monthly salaries.

Handymen salaries vary from state to state and are usually higher in big cities such as New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, and others. Handymen salaries also depend on the experience and skills of a handyman, which means that a handyman with more experience and skills will be paid more than a handyman who has lesser experience.

Based on independent salary surveys, the median pay range for self-employed handymen ranges from fifteen to twenty-five dollars an hour. The median salaries are however less than average salaries, which range from twenty to thirty dollars per hour. Handymen that are employed in an organization can get salaries ranging from thirty-five to forty-five thousand dollars, depending on the remuneration policies of the organization. Handyman services firms also pay commission to their employees in case they bring new work opportunities through their own contacts. They may also get bonuses if they complete their work before time.

Handymen normally prefer working for a contractor or other firms as they have plenty of resources for generating work opportunities. Working in an organization is better then being self-employed, as handymen do not have to use their salaries for purchasing tools and equipment, which is provided by the organization.

Individuals who cannot afford the services of a handyman due to their service rates can perform all the tasks done by handymen with the help of do it yourself (DIY) handyman guides available in the market. They can also take help from friends and acquaintances that have done similar type of work.

Handyman provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling

Window Header Framing Problems

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Types of Doors Can Be Availed From the Market?

If you want to perfect the beginning as well as the end of your home improvement project, you need to focus on each and every installation. Choosing what suits your requirements is what you must keep in your mind while starting your home improvement projects. Among the few important factors that play an important role in a home improvement project, doors are what can either enhance or destroy the look of your house. Many of us are not aware of the types of doors and the qualities upon which these types are differentiated. We need to know all about it if we want to precede with efficient home improvement projects.

You can select the types of doors that sound good to your taste and most of the available door's types can also be customized. For example, if you need a panel door, which consists of wood panels, stiles and rails panels, you can either get a solid wood panel door, plywood panel door or a panel door made up of glass. However, you won't find all such types of doors for everywhere in the market unless you are savvy of such details. You can also ask the manufacturer for your requirements. Besides just panel doors, solid core doors, hollow mental insulated doors, hollow core wood door, stable doors, trap doors French doors can also be customized to set your requirements.

Therefore, if you are interested in exploring different types of doors that are not only feasible enough to provide your required facilities but also give your home a fine classy look. You must always perform a detailed research in the market before buying any types of doors. Pay visit to different door shops, collect ideas and order your desired type of doors. Qualities of all these types of doors, however, differ with money but you can be able to select the best out of the most by using your expertise.

For more details on door types and their qualities, visit

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

Fiber-Cement Siding Compared to Vinyl Siding

In the world of remodeling the exterior of your home, there are several things to consider when comparing fiber-cement siding to vinyl siding.

Disguising the Problem

Vinyl siding is sometimes used as a cover-up to be placed over the old damaged cladding. The current problems may still exist. Sometimes it may be improperly installed. This invites insects and moisture to build up behind the panels, and may even go through the structure of the home.


Vinyl facing may melt or burn if it too close to a heat source such as your grill or a close by fire. The flammability of the cladding is such a concern that some counties/districts are starting to educate homeowners about its natural flammability.

Fiber-cement facing is non-combustible when exposed to significant amount of heat or flame. It has been appreciated for this safety feature. It is also approved for fire-rated structure.

All colors fade from the sun and there are several options that you can do to replace vinyl cladding. You can install a replacement piece and try to find the matching color of your original siding. You can also replace all the cladding again if you can't find the matching color. You may also paint the facing, but keep in mind this type of facing is made to expand and contract which will cause the paint to chip and peel over time.

Fiber-cement facing can be painted any color that you desire. It will also remain longer than with wood. It won't crack and peel as quickly as vinyl.


Always look at the warranty before your purchase. Look closely at the "Life-Time" to see how many years the warranty really covers and also what is covered. Check the "Normal Weathering" section to see what their definition is of normal weathering.

Fiber-cement facing may be found to have a 50 year transferable limited product warranty, and a 15 year finish warranty. This warranty is good for even the most sever climates.

Poor Quality and Aesthetics

Vinyl siding may not look as natural as wood. It has overlapping seams and fake wood grains that try to copy the appearance of wood.

Fiber-cement siding has the beauty of real wood with the ability to be painted any color and not have the chipping and peeling of vinyl or wood. There are no overlapping seams to take away from the natural appearance it will lend to the home.

Weather Resistant

Fiber-cement cladding is a very durable product that can even withstand the most severe climates. It will not go brittle in the cold or be damaged by flying debris like the other type of cladding is known to do.

The great amount of thickness that accompanies fiber-cement cladding adds to the products strength that provides impact resistance from wind or hail.

The finest vinyl siding is only 5/100th inch thick.

These are several things you need to consider when investing in the exterior of your home. In the long run, having fiber-cement siding is aesthetically and financially more sound than having vinyl siding which is an inferior product.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Blue Ridge Exteriors. The siding contractor provides James Hardie Siding throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their James Hardie Siding please visit their website.

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

Monday, September 14, 2009

Considering Home Painting

When remodeling a house, homeowners should not forget the importance of painting their home's exterior. With expert help, homeowners can get a paint job that will allow the rest of the remodel to come together nicely and compliment the rest of the work that has been done. Exterior painting is often the factor that brings the remodel together and gives the house the best chance of looking great.

When considering home painting, homeowners should realize the importance of a good paint job. Simply painting the house is often not enough to make the house look its best. The homeowner should ensure that the job is left to the most qualified person possible. When things are left to the experts, everything else will just fall into place. Simplicity when it comes to handling these complicated jobs is something every homeowner can smile about. Realizing that they cannot handle home painting and other complex jobs themselves is the best realization a homeowner can come to when remodeling.

Contractors are their best bet in getting the results they are expecting or hoping for. The work of an amateur is just not up to par with the work of a professional. Professionals simply have too much training and experience for amateurs trying to emulate their work. Home painting can be tricky, so this training and experience will come in handy for sure. When the painter does not possess these qualities, they will often fall short of the expectations that have been laid upon them.

More information on College Works Painting home repair for your home is just a click away.

Extreme Temperature Building

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Self-Esteem Based on Your Appearance

It is your right to be happy. It is your choice to control your self-esteem.

Self-esteem has nothing to do with your appearance. The size of your body, the colour of your skin, and the type of your hair is not what makes you a genuine person. It is not about how you are physically put together.

The moment you are born, your environment starts giving you the stimulus that shapes how you see the world. As you have grown up, you met different people whose world could have been shaped completely differently to yours. As your world is different others may devalue you on just appearance alone. This why learning at an early agent that it is what you think that is important, not what you think other people are thinking about you.

As soon as you see someone, you will assume an opinion of them based of your experience of the world. They may remind you of someone you love or hate. In order for a relationship to occur this initial attraction must turn into something more. A mutual respect on whom each of you actually are, not just in appearance. The more you know who you are on the inside, with a strong self-esteem, the more respect you will earn from the people you meet in your lifetime.

Modern society has tapped into the commercial side of low self-esteem. They know people look for quick fix solutions and that there is a market to see appearance related solutions. Whilst these solutions may cause a brief boost in confidence, if the inner game issues remain unresolved it is only a matter of time before they rear their ugly head again. Buying a quick fix solution is just making the problem bigger.

You need to protect and nurture your self-esteem. It can be mentally taxing, it can be emotional but the outcome is so pleasant it is a journey worth going on.

Felix Nutter
Step Up Speak Out
To get more confidence, self-esteem and anxiety tips, visit to learn more about how to take control of your life.

Lowest Construction Bids

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What You Need to Know When You Design a Screened Porch

Respected scientists have, through painstaking research, discovered that a single mosquito can lift 10 times its own weight. This means of course, that it takes a mere 11,253,534 mosquitoes to grab, lift, and fly away with an average-sized toy poodle.

Alarming as that may seem, it is not nearly as scary as the fact that 11,253,534 is also the exact number of mosquitoes contained within a cubic meter of mid-summer air found in the typical Midwestern backyard. Which is precisely why those same respected scientists invented the screened porch.

In temperate climates, flying insects can make the enjoyment of warm summer nights very difficult. Americans spend a great deal on money on various methods of repelling the buzzing vampires. We spend even more money on decks and patios only to find their use limited by the local bug population. And that's exactly why so many homeowners make a screened porch an indispensable part of their house.

My clients often ask me whether a screened porch or a "Florida" or "three-season" room is more appropriate for outdoor living in the Midwest. They're very different kinds of spaces; a three-season room is much more than just a screened porch with windows.

Building codes typically require any enclosed space that is capable of being heated and cooled to meet all of the requirements of indoor living space. That means going beyond basic structural stability: a room enclosed with walls and glass must be insulated, heated, provided with adequate natural and/or artificial lighting, fitted with the proper number of electrical outlets, and meet mechanical energy codes.

A screened porch, however, is considered to be outdoor living space and need only be structurally sound. As long as it isn't high enough off of the ground to require a railing, few other code demands are made. There's a cost difference, too, since a screened porch requires fewer trades and far less material to build. It's a relatively cheap way to add living space and extend the enjoyment of your yard and garden into the spring and fall.

But the true delight of a screened porch is the feeling of being outside, without the rain, blazing sun, or bugs. That's an experience that isn't felt in even the most highly glazed "Florida rooms". It's a common mistake to overdo a screened porch, to add more columns than necessary or to install a half-height wall around the perimeter. Anything that creates physical or visual separation between the inside and outside erodes the illusion. The best screened porches are as transparent as possible.

Finding just the right location for a screened porch can be tough, especially on narrow suburban lots. In most cases, the screened porch should be connected to another family gathering area and close to the kitchen, with views of a yard or garden. But how to do that without blocking the views from other rooms? Again, transparency is the key. Make the screens as big as possible and the ceiling high, add a skylight or two, and you'll still have a good view from inside the house.

Materials for a screened porch should be chosen first for architectural compatibility with the house, and second for durability. If the porch is to be painted, make sure to choose a species and grade of wood that will hold paint well. Cedar, redwood, and other Western softwoods are excellent for paint adhesion. Cedar and redwood are also known for their natural resistance to insects and rot.

Other options for the porch's frame include pressure-treated lumber and several recently introduced simulated wood products made from varying proportions of post-consumer recycled plastics and waste wood fibers. These "polymer-lumber" materials offer excellent rot and insect resistance, and eventually weather to a pleasing gray color.

The screens themselves can be made of metal or plastic screening. Plastic screening is usually the best choice, offering rust resistance, light weight, and durability. And although the screens can be attached directly to the porch frame, a "pre-framed" screen system allows for easy replacement and cleaning by simply removing the entire screen and frame as a single unit. A local screen contractor will measure the existing openings and build the pre-framed screens to fit.

A well-designed and well-built screened porch adds value, function, character, and enjoyment to a home. It can get you a little more in touch with the outdoors, and give you another reason to keep the garden weeded. It can also get the bug zapper out of your yard -- and save you a small fortune on citronella.

Richard L. Taylor, AIA is a published author and recognized expert in Residential Architecture. He is President of Richard Taylor Architects, a 5-person firm in Historic Dublin, Ohio. Residential Architect | Luxury Home Plans

Wood Flooring Problems In Bath

Easy Bathroom Remodeling Solutions

Here's a list of problems that contractors run into when designing, planning, and remodeling bathrooms. These bathroom remodeling solutions listed below, often create problems for homeowners as well as contractors. Some of these problems have created contract disputes and could have been solved if the contractor or a homeowner was informed properly.

1. Problems with Old Galvanized Water Pipes: This is one of the biggest problems with older homes. Metal rusts and water running through these metal pipes will speed this process up, considerably. The problem arises when the galvanized water supply pipes cannot be taken apart or unthreaded, to add new plumbing fixtures or pipes, during the bathroom remodel.

Solution to the Problem: Experience contractors should inform their clients, about problems like this and what they propose to do, if they run into a situation where the galvanized water pipes are badly damaged. There will usually be extra work, which leads to extra money and this could create a problem between the contractor and a homeowner.

2. Problems with cast-iron drainpipes: these pipes often rust or become separated at the joints, creating water leaks and even areas for tree roots to enter the drainage system. These tree roots of course will cause the drainpipes to clog and eventually will have to be cleared in order for the drainage system to work properly.

Solution to the problem: informed the home owner of problems with cast-iron plumbing. If the contractor explains to the homeowner, any problems that could arise and a solution, you will find the process of bathroom remodeling a little less stressful. This stress can be eliminated or the contractor and a homeowner with a little preparation.

If you're a remodeling contractor, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make out a list of potential problems for the homeowner. List as many of the problems as you can think of, that you have ran into in the past or have heard other contractors and homeowners talking about. These lists can be given to your clients when you sign the contract.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet

Pocket Door Problems

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hiring a Contractor - Remodeling Tips

Do you want to remodel your home? Do you know how or where to begin? Many people who want to remodel their home may have difficulties in remodeling their homes. If you are not familiar with home remodeling, you can hire a professional team to do the work for you. With their experience and skill, they can perform wonderfully for you and give your home a new appearance.

But you should make sure you can find a good contractor. A good contractor can have your interest in mind when remodeling your house. But it is not easy to find such a good contractor. Some contractors may see your home improvement a smaller projects, so they will pay little attention or care. In such case, the result of home remodeling may be unsatisfactory. So a good contractor should do his best no matter how small the project is. Finding such a contractor will do great good for you. He will leave the job looking excellent.

Nowadays, more and more contractors realize that if they do this project well, the clients will recommend them to other potential clients, so they will win the reputation and make more deals. With this awareness, these contractors will take on each project with all the skill and determination towards excellence.

Many homeowners may decide to take on the project themselves, believing that this will save them money in the end. But if you are unfamiliar with this field, you should stay away from this project and leave it to the contractor. Sometimes, DIY will cost more. When your home remodeling is complicated and complex, you would better hire a professional contractor, which is proved to be favorable and rewarding.

Information for Your Life
Click to find more about Home Improvement, Repair and Remodeling

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Technologies of Home Improvement - Siding and Chemical Treatment

The modern homeowner has a wealth of opportunities available to them to improve and refine their homes. In the past, it was often believed that the homeowner must take responsibility for every aspect of their home through a hands-on, attentive, and time consuming process of detail adjustment, surveillance, adaptation, and analysis.

While it is true that the modern homeowner has not been completely absolved of the necessities of care and commitment, recent technological advancements, specifically in the fields of lawn care and home siding, have been able to provide unique opportunities and advantages for homeowners from the 20th century. However, with these advantages come unique problems as well. One should examine the technologies of James Hardie siding and environmentally friendly pesticides to consider their strengths and weaknesses.

James Hardie siding is a relatively new invention that claims to be fire resistant and affordable. We can defer the need to examine the affordability of this product momentarily so that we can consider the advantages of fire-proof home siding. This may be an instance of a new technological advancement that solved a problem that few, if any homeowners even knew that they had.

It is in fact the case that traditional home siding is flammable and is often the cause of serious fire damage during a home crisis. While infrequent, when a house fire spreads to the outside siding of a residence, it can exacerbate the damage and spread around the house at a moment's notice. On this point, James Hardie siding is a clear advantage as it is inflammable and will not put the homeowner at risk of exterior home damage.

The second technology to consider is environmentally friendly pesticide. Many homeowners are been keenly aware of the environmental damage that is caused by pesticides and chemical treatments. In recent years, however, new, environmentally friendly products have been released to aid in the control of your lawn's pests without damaging the environment at large.

Likewise, this technology is a clear advancement over prior treatments, but it should not be considered the solution to all chemical problems- even environmentally friendly can be harmful if used too frequently or before rainstorms.

Both technologies have been demonstrated to be improvements over past products. The remaining issue is the affordability of both products. It cannot be said with any degree of certainty that an individual should purchase these new technologies. In a time of economic crisis it is too much to presume to know the individual financial situations of homeowners. It is up to the homeowner to decide to budget and analyze their own financial circumstances to see if they can afford the new technologies of home ownership.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Preferred Siding. The siding contractor provides James Hardie and Hardiplank Siding throughout the Northern Virginia area. For more information on their cosmetic surgery Richmond Virginia please visit their website.

Simple Light Switch Replacement

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mechanic's Lien Source Book - Home Owner Advice

A mechanic's lien is a powerful device to enforce payment on a construction project. But is there a limit to the amount you can claim? What about damages for breach of contract?

I am not aware of any state which would allow direct or consequential damages to be inserted into a mechanic's lien. The reason is that such claims are strictly limited to the labor, materials, and equipment conferred to the project which results in some form of permanent improvement. Your damages, over and above the amount owed on the contract and change orders, would be outside this scope.

Here are some examples of damages which could not be included:

Loss of profits on other jobs. As a result of not being paid $10,000, you were unable to use that money to advance labor and materials for another large job you were just awarded. You had to turn that job down and lost a profit.

Lack of productivity. Assume there have been so many changes and miscommunications on the job, that you had to start, stop, mobilize, demobilize, expand, shrink, fabricate, re-fabricate, and change your work force and productivity. You have lost countless hours and had to pay your employees out of pocket. This is normally not included in the mechanic's lien.

Delay damages. You have been delayed in the start of the project as well as during the course of construction.

Extended overhead. The architect has made so many changes to that you have been on the job much longer than expected and have had to carry a substantial overhead.

It is important to remember that although these items may not be included in your lien, you can include them in a lawsuit or arbitration for breach of contract and consequential damages against the person you have your contract with.

Sue Malone
442 Diablo Road, Suite 137
Danville, CA 94526

Sue Malone is the owner of National Lien Law, a site devoted to contractor forms for use in the construction industry. For Mechanic's Lien Forms and more information on this subject, including free lien law summaries and time deadline tables for all 50 states, visit our website at: Or call (925) 899-8449 and ask for Bernie. All representatives are graduates of an accredited law school, but are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice. Please consult with a construction attorney if you wish legal representation.

2008 All rights reserved.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go Green and Save Money With Your Energy Bill

The times they are a changin' and these days all of us want to reduce our carbon footprints and help save the earth. If you want to go green then there are many steps that you can take to help reduce your drain on the earth's resources and also help stop the drain on your bank balance. This article will show you how to go green and save money.

The easiest place to start saving money by going green is with your energy bills. Here are the top three things that you can do today that will not only save you money but also save energy:

1. In winter most of us have the thermostat cranked up as high as possible to keep our homes toasty warm, but you can be perfectly comfortable by lowering the temperature a few degrees. To find out what the perfect temperature is for you, each few days lower the temperature by just one degree to see how comfortable that is. Eventually you'll reach a temperature that is still comfortable but much lower than what you have it on now.

Same goes for summer. Keep adjusting the thermostat temperature up a degree every few days until you get to a level you are comfortable with.

2. Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL's) use a lot less energy than regular light bulbs. They might be a little bit higher priced to begin with but they will last you substantially longer than regular incandescent bulbs so over the long term work out cheaper. Plus the savings you'll make on your lighting bill is well worth the cost.

3. If you have gone to the hardware store lately to look for power strips, you might have seen these new 'smart' power strips. The work by shutting off the power to your appliances that are not in use. Many people leave big appliances on all the time (such as televisions on standby or the kettle switched on ready to boil water at the next flick of a button) however even though they are not being used they are still using power in this 'stand by' mode. Either switch them off yourself or buy a smart power strip to detect it for you to save money and energy.

There are many simple ways that you can go green and save money at the same time and they don't have to impact on your lifestyle too much. By doing your bit for the environment you'll not only feel good about yourself you'll be making a substantial difference in our earth and your bank balance.

Would you like to learn how to save around $500 per month by going green? Visit for more information.

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Systems

If you're like me, you're probably pretty weary of salesmen. They would lie and cheat just to get you to purchase their products. People that sell home water purifiers are one in the same. The example that really comes to mind here are companies that sell reverse osmosis systems. Sure, having a reverse osmosis water treatment system is better than having no water treatment system at all but there are far better options out there. Here are 5 ugly lies to watch out for so you understand why reverse osmosis systems are mediocre at best.

1. Reverse osmosis water treatment systems are inexpensive. Using a reverse osmosis system may be cheaper than drinking bottled water but it is by no means inexpensive. Reverse osmosis costs 18 to 24 cents per gallon. In contrast, carbon filtration systems cost less than 10 cents per gallon. Which would you choose?

2. A reverse osmosis water treatment system removes all contaminants. Reverse osmosis systems are not capable of removing synthetic chemicals. It helps to understand how they work in order to see why that is. During reverse osmosis, water is exposed to a porous membrane under pressure. Contaminants such as minerals and organic chemicals, which are molecularly larger than water, are caught by the membrane. Synthetic chemicals are molecularly smaller than the membrane so they pass through. For that reason, reverse osmosis systems must be used in conjunction with a carbon filter. Why not just use a carbon filter in the first place? Carbon filters remove both organic and synthetic chemicals.

3. Reverse osmosis water treatment systems are convenient and easy to use. In comparison to other water treatment systems like carbon filtration, reverse osmosis systems are high-maintenance and complicated. Reverse osmosis systems require adequate water pressure and a diaphragmed storage tank and as such as very high-maintenance. They are also difficult to install. Carbon filters on the other hand can be installed in a matter of minutes without the help of a plumber.

4. A reverse osmosis water treatment system produces healthy, pure water. Having a reverse osmosis system is better than having no water treatment system at all but the water it produces actually isn't that healthy. The problem with reverse osmosis systems is that they produce de-mineralized water. Studies show that in order to maintain good health, we must drink water that contains natural trace minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Drinking de-mineralized water can lead to multiple mineral deficiencies and an increased risk for cancer. Comparatively, carbon filtration systems remove all the bad stuff while leaving in the good stuff.

5. Reverse osmosis water treatment systems are efficient. The truth is that reverse osmosis systems are wasteful. They waste 2 to 3 gallons for every gallon of clean water they produce. They are also notorious for being slow because they produce less than a gallon of water per hour. Carbon filtration systems can produce up to 30 gallons of water per hour without wasting a single drop.

Now that you are armed with this information, make your decision wisely and carefully. There are many water filters out there to choose from but when you consider cost, effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience, a reverse osmosis water treatment system simply isn't a good choice. Carbon filtration systems are the best option available when it comes to home water filters. So get out there and find a carbon filtration system for your home if you want the best water filter money can buy.

John Lim Cher Sern who is an avid proponent of natural health. To get more information about reverse osmosis water treatment systems make sure to visit our website at

Tuscan Decor in the Guest Room

If you have a guest room in your home, then it's there for one main reason - to make your guest feel at home while they are visiting.

Of course, any visitor will be spending most of their time with you, in the living room or traveling about the local area, but they'll want a place where they can retreat during the day to rest, as well as a place to retire in the evening - a little slice of home away from home.

In order to give your guest room that Tuscan look, there are a few items to consider.


The lighting fixtures are important. Remove those shiny, modern fixtures of aluminum, and replace them with rustic designs - wall sconces of wrought iron, for example, or other types of metal with a distressed look to simulate age, with the decoration as scrollwork simulating grape vines.


Direct sunlight, over the course of time, will fade and damage fabrics and furniture, nevertheless it's always nice to be able to spread open the draperies to allow sunlight to flow into a room. For the Tuscan look, don't use a lot frills. Use plain draperies, with plenty of fabric gathered today, in shades of beige or brown or gold, so that their hues can be enhanced by the sunlight.

The Walls

Wall color is important as it gives the overall tone of the entire room. Golds and browns are popular colors, but what particularly evokes the feel of Tuscany is to give the walls an aged patina by using faux paint to make them resemble old, crumbling brick or plaster.

The Floor

For a true Tuscan look, aged hardwood floors, marble or tiled floors are a must. However, these types of floor can be expensive, and for a guest room that is only used once or twice a year, it may be an expense you don't want to incur. However, plenty of throw rugs with Tuscan designs scattered around the floor can give the appropriate feel as well.

Tuscan designs? Where are you going to get those? Easy - surf the web for Tuscan rugs and you'll find a vast array of authentic Tuscan designs.


The bed, of course, is the main piece of furniture in the guest-room. No modern bedsteads with gleaming metal - choose wooden bedframes, ornately carved with bunches of grapes, for example, The blankets, bedspreads and pillows on the guest bed should be of dull colors invoking the earth or sky tans, browns, golds or blues.

If possible, the bookcases, bureaus and wardrobes and other furniture in the room should be of wood as well, very light or very dark-colored woods to give a sturdy, aged look. Antique furniture will give the appropriate look.


The look of Tuscany is the look of the land - a land with rolling hills, vineyards, a vast blue bowl-like sky, and farmhouses that have been there for centuries. Accessories should call out this atmosphere of permanence - majolica or ceramic pottery, wrought iron candle holders, and so on.

Adam Peters is the author and editor of many wooden shutters articles and newsletters published at Find more publications about tuscan decor at his website.

Light Up Your Home the LED Way

The realm of incandescent bulbs is about to collapse. The invasion by CFL lighting components dug up a deep hole in their credibility years ago. If still something was left by the first strike, the LED arrived for the second and even more forceful blow that sent the conventional bulbs on the threshold of extinction.

By the time the battle between these lighting components is on, the consumers have turned out to be the real winners. They have got lighting components options galore. Having tested those incandescent and CFL lighting components on their litmus test already, they are set to do the same with these highly energy efficient LED lighting components.

So why keep waiting? Why you too don't give them a test? There could not be a better time than this phase of economic slump and slide to bring in some LED home lighting products. The financial dives have pulled the prices of these lighting components down to the earth. So that would be a double bonanza for you, saving much while buying them and cutting electricity charges drastically.

For your comfort, there is no part in your home which can't be lighted with LED lamps and bulbs. Check out below -

LED Night Lamps : Night Lamps consume the maximum of energy as its installation is essential everywhere right from the bedrooms to drawing rooms to your kitchen etc. Thus it would be most feasible to replace all such lamps with LED night lamps. They are cool and safe, thus you would be saved by the heat generated by other ordinary bulbs.

LED Reading Lamps : Either for you or your children, a LED reading lamp can make reading an exciting experience. You get an unmatchable brightness that reduces the strain on the eyes. As all the LED lights have a small mirrors attached to them, they ensure that all the light goes towards the exact location. In your case, the targets are the books. Thus the light hardly scatters and you end up using whole of the light.

LED Outdoor Lamps : It was believed that LED lamps were not suitable for outdoor lighting as they tend to produce lesser amount of light. But right now it is not so. There are improved versions of LED light bulbs which are working sufficiently with an increased efficiency. They are capable of illuminating whole of the backyard or the front yard.

LED Accent Lighting : Whether it is your lawn or the outer wall of your yard or the hallway or the entrance to your home, you are no more required to use any energy gobbling bulb. Rather make a trip to your nearest lighting equipments store to choose some dazzling LED accent lighting products. The controlled and recessed yellow or white light will resemble the sun or the moon suspended to your walls.

LED Ambiance Lighting : Sometimes you use light not only for the sake of visibility, but you seem to use it more for your aesthetic purposes. So the LED ambiance lighting products are there for you. Just install them wherever you need to do. The dim and recessed light produced will make your drawing room enough charming to resemble a set of romantic movie. LED cans up on the ceilings are mostly used for ambiance effect.

LED Fairy Lights : Mostly used for decoration purposes, these are cool and great to look at. They are highly energy efficient so will not be a burden on your pocket. Buy one with a fuse bulb system. So you are not required to worry even if one bulb stops working, because the whole lot will keep working.

LED Rainbow Lights : It is a multipurpose light. As per its name, it is a cluster of many colorful LED bulbs which give an impression of a rainbow glowing inside your bedroom. The same effects can be generated in other parts of your home too. Undoubtedly, it is best for those who love to use light as a tool of mood enhancement. Just switch on these rainbow lights and play on some hit songs of older days. Don't forget to close your eyes.

A click on Lighting Components will take you to an unseen world of light bulbs and light accessories.

For more write-ups on technology, check out my blog MyElectronicsBlog.

Suspended Ceilings - A Few Tips

Suspended ceiling or known also as dropped ceilings are ceilings that are placed underneath the existing one and hide any kinds of wiring or piping that may be sticking out of the current ceiling. Suspended ceilings are a great idea as they allow you to hide all of the clutter that is up there already allowing for maintenance to be carried out on anything that is there without as much risk as you would without the suspended ceiling being there.

They are made up from a grid that contains metal frameworks which is held together with wires which connect up to the existing ceiling, in this grid tiles are placed and linked up, this is what makes the basis of a suspended ceiling even thought there are many different types of suspended ceilings, they all seem to follow the same basis.

Suspended ceiling started being made to help with sound levels in rooms and offers sound absorption. This is made by adding insulation above the tiles, this helps to absorb the sound in the room.

Now though sound absorption is not the only reason for getting suspended ceilings installed, nowadays you can have a lot of different reasons for example you may want to hide pipes or create air ducts for you building, if this is the case then suspended ceilings are definitely the way forward for you.

When you are thinking about getting your suspended ceilings installed there should be one main concern on your mind, this is Safety. You need to know that your ceilings are going to be safe and cause no harm to anyone or be a hazard in any way. You are going to need to make sure that the tiles and anything else you place up in the suspended ceilings in firmly attached to the grid otherwise there can be problems with the ceiling falling down or in the event of an emergency where the ceiling has to be pulled down I.e. a fire, then the whole ceiling can be brought down as one and doesn't come down in pieces causing major hazards.

If you are going to install suspended ceilings in a clean room then you need to make sure that the suspended ceiling complies with all rules and laws that are set. If your suspended ceilings are in any way contaminated with dust or particles then your whole clean room becomes pointless and questionable.

Clean rooms are required in many different industries which include food, electronic and pharmaceuticals. If your room does not meet the industry standards you can be closed down, so therefore making sure that your suspended ceilings in no way effect your business you will need to make sure that you can meet requirements with your ceilings. You will need to have a steady flow of purified air being brought into the room; this can be easily incorporated into suspended ceilings in the ceiling void above.

So before purchasing your suspended ceilings you should make sure that it complies 100% with all of your health and safety regulations.

Find more about Suspended Ceilings

The Advantages of Building Green

If you are considering building a new house, consider the savings that you'll gain from building a green house. Once you've purchased the Baton Rouge real estate on which you've chose to build your home, ask your builder about what he or she can do to make your home more energy efficient and green. Not only does it help the environment, it will help your pocket book as well!

Insulation is your number one easiest change that has the largest impact in reducing the energy your home takes to run it. A well insulated home will pay for itself over and over again through the hot summer and cold winter months. You'll see a huge reduction in your energy bills.

The size of your house makes a difference as well. Consider your plans for a home carefully, and decide how much space you really need. Obviously, the larger the home, the more energy it will take to keep it running. You can reduce your costs by building a slightly smaller home.

Windows let plenty of energy escape the home. When it comes to choosing windows for your new home, choose energy efficient windows that not only keep the elements out, but actually work to keep your home protected as well. Low-emission glass actually reflects heat and cold away from the house respectively, which means lower energy costs for you.

A green home is a great way to save money. You won't just be doing your part for the earth, but you'll be saving money every month.

RE/MAX of Louisiana ( is a real estate brokerage that specializes in Baton Rouge real estate. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Picking a Remodeling Contractor

If you live in the state of Minnesota and you plan on having some remodeling done, you may need a good home remodeling contractor to help you out with your needs. No doubt you'll find that there are many different contractors to choose from in the Twin Cities area, but you don't want just any contractor working on your home. There are many different considerations that should be kept in mind when it comes to choose from all the remodeling contractors out there. So, here's you simple checklist to keep in mind when you are trying to make sure that you get the best contractor possible for your remodeling needs.

Ask Family and Friends for Referrals
The first thing you'll want to do is to make sure that you ask family and friends for referrals when you are trying to come up with a contractor. Getting contractor references from your friends and family members is a wonderful way that you can make sure you end up with an excellent contractor. This way you actually know someone that has had a great experience with the contractor. It helps you to be sure that you'll get a great contractor.

Ensure They are Licensed by the State
When you are trying to pick out the best remodeling contractor, you'll find that it is important to make sure that they are licensed by the state. They should have a state of MN contractors license that they can show you. You definitely don't want to go with a contractor that has no license. Also, when you are looking at their license, you'll want to make sure that there have been no complaints filed against them or any type of disciplinary actions taken against them in the past. This insures you get the best possible contractor for your remodeling project.

Check for the Contractor's Insurance Certificates
Make sure that you check for insurance certificates when you are trying to find the best remodel contractor. They should have General Liability as well as Workman's Compensation. If they have no insurance, you'll definitely want to avoid going with their services, although just having General Liability is okay.

Find Out About Their Business Longevity
Take the time to find out about their business longevity before you decide that you want to go with a particular contractor. The best option is to go with a contractor who has been in the same business with the same name for over 10 years. Five years is excellent as well. However, if they have only been in business for a year, you may want to be a bit wary of going with a brand new business when you need help with contracting. Experience is a definitely bonus when choosing remodeling contractors.

Make Sure the Business is Stable
You should also take a look at the business that the contractor is running. Is the business one that is both permanent and stable? If there is no office at all and you only get a cell phone number, this is a Minnesota contractor to reject. The best option is to find someone that has an office as well as an address. A working phone number is very important as well when it comes to making sure that the business is a stable one.

Check Out Their References
Ask for a list of client references when you are trying to find the best home remodeling contractor. If they cannot offer you any references at all, you probably will want to choose someone else. The same applies for if you call references and get negative comments. It's best to make sure that you get at least several positive references from people who have used the same contractor in the past. This way you know what kind of a job that they are going to do.

Find Out About Their Experience
Experience is another important consideration when you are considering what type of contractor to go with. Going with a contractor that specializes in the work you need done is the best option. If the contractor doesn't have any type of experience in the type of work that you will need to have done. Having the experience necessary is very important. You really don't want a contractor with no experience at all working on your bathroom or kitchen. So, make sure that you choose carefully.

Take a Look at Their Bids on the Work You Need Done
Before you make your final decision on the best home remodeling contractor, you should take a look at their bids on the work you need done. Make sure that the bids have a good description of the work to be done and that they will guarantee the work that gets done. You'll also want a contractor that only asks for about a of the money up front and then final payment when the remodeling work is finally complete.

If you live in MN, get your construction and remodeling financing loan from Venture Development John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages.

If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Getting Your Swimming Pool Ready For Winter

The information you are about to read is from years of experience. If you follow these steps, you will accomplish a safe and worry free, pool closing.

The first thing you want to do is test the water and make sure all levels including pH are normal. Next you're going to want to shock your pool, and then run the filter for 24 hours. Now it's time to start closing your pool, clean out any leaves or debris and vacuum your pool thoroughly. Now you want to pour in the contents of your closing kit.

The next step will be to blow out lines or evacuate any water that might be in the lines. You can do this without emptying pool. You will need either a shop-vac or a compressor. With a compressor, you will take an old winterizing plug and remove the center screw then push a quarter inch compressor hose male adapter in the center of the winterizing plug. A # 9 plug is most efficient. You can now use this in any of the plumbing on the filter. The first way to blow lines out leave all the plugs in the filter and the pump, set the multi-port valve on filter, and close all of the plumbing line valves except for the line you wish to blow out. Open the air release on top of the filter and push the winterizing plug with the compressor line and pump air into the filter. This will push all the water out of the filter and push the water out of the line. Once you see air bubbles install the winterizing plug, do this for the skimmer and returns. Open just the main drain valve force air into the line until you see air bubbles. Then immediately close the valve this will hold air in that line and prevent water from rushing back in. If you have step jets simply open the air vents, remove the jet and plug up the fitting. Then open up the jet valve at the filter, then force air this will push all of the water out of the air vents once the water is stops coming out remove the compressor close the air vents and you're now done with blowing your lines out. Check all plugs for air bubbles.

Now you must remove to plugs in the pump remove the winterizing plug at the bottom of the filter. If you have a chlorinator, you must remove any plugs or remove the chlorinator itself. Make absolutely sure that you shake out any water that may be trapped inside the chlorinator. Set the multi-port valve in between any two selections this will hold the valve open and prevent internal damage.

Do not cover the pump for the winter. It is important that the pump to be able to breathe you do not want the inside of the pump to oxidize. If you have a heater make sure you turn off the gas, turn the gas valve off and remove the winterizing plug under the manifold. It is a good idea to cover the heater. Heater covers are available in our online catalog. This will prevent acorns and any other debris to get inside of the heater, and possibly cause a fire on start up.

Should you choose to use a vacuum to clear the plumbing lines, the easiest way to do that would be to get your-self a couple of pieces of schedule 40 PVC pipe, count how many returns you have and that is how many 1 1/2" 90A streets you will need. Count how many skimmers you have, and that is how many 1 1/2" male adapter's your need. For the skimmers measure how many inches it is from the bottom the skimmer to the top of the water, and add 2". Cut a piece of PVC at that measurement, glue the male adapter to the PVC, wrap the threads with Teflon tape and screw it in the suction whole at the bottom of the skimmer. You may also use our blow out gizmo. Make sure you use Teflon tape on the threads. This will allow you to blow out the skimmer, and it will act as a baffle to prevent the skimmer from cracking if it freezes. Now measure the return holes to top of the water and add 2 inches. Cut the PVC at this length glue the 90A streets wrap the threads in Teflon tape, and screw this in the returns, make sure the pipe is sticking out of the water. Now you can winterized the plumbing, open all the valves go over to these pieces of pipe turn your vacuum on and suck all the water and lines. After the water is out of the lines use a number eight winterizing plug in the PVC and tighten.

Open the pump trapped put the vacuum hose in the opening open the main drain valve. Reverse the vacuum and blow air into this line. You may not see air coming-out of the main drain, but let it go for 30 seconds and then shut the valves. This will push any water below the freeze level and prevent freezing. (Note some concrete in-ground pools may have to be evacuated or blown out by a compressor). If you have a problem removing any plugs or you notice places were water may end up laying it is advisable to buy our any freeze. Just for this anywhere there may be a problem. If you use the PVC in the skimmer, you must take a quart bottle, such as an empty algaecide bottle. Fill it halfway with small stones install the cap turned upside down and put it in the skimmer. This will prevent the skimmer from cracking when it freezes.

To remove handrails and ladders, simply lift the decorative cover, loosen the bolt approximately a quarter inch up and then hammer it down. This will free your ladder or handrail. Then simply lift it out of the cup. If you have a vinyl pool, do not empty it below the skimmer keep the water level as you would in the summer. This will prevent the liner from shrinking in the corners and shortening the life of the liner. There is no reason to lower a vinyl pool. Vinyl manufactures will not cover warranties on pools that have been lowered. If you have a concrete pool, you must lower the pool, at least 1 foot below the skimmer. This will prevent the bond beam from cracking causing the tiles and coping to fall off. Now you're about ready to put the cover on.

For water tube type covers, fill all the water tubes only three quarters of the way, install the cover and place the water tubes on the cover around the perimeter of the pool. Make sure there's enough water tubes used that they are touching. It is not advisable to put the water tubes in the cover loops. Should the cover blow in during the winter, if the tubes are attached to the cover this will drag the cover down making it almost impossible to reinstall the cover with the water tubes.

If you have a safety cover raise all of the brass anchors install the safety cover as you normally would. If there are any loose straps, you should tighten them.

For water tube covers place the cover pump in the center and pump the cover off when ever it rains. Do not pump the cover, when the water is frozen, this will damage the pump. If you have a safety cover and a vinyl pool, install a cover pump in the skimmer. This will prevent the water from being pumped out too much and allows you easy access.

For concrete pools, it is important you keep the water level below the tiles, if you have a step install a cover pump on the second tread down.

Should you have any questions feel free to contact 1800 Pools

Steve Merillat has been in the Pool industry for 35 years. He has pioneered many pool installation techniques that are used in the industry today. You can learn how to properly take care and maintain your pool yourself saving time and money, from on of the most experienced people in pools

Twelve Energy Saving Tips For Your Business

The cost of everything is rising higher than ever before, especially energy costs. Because of this trend, it seems as if everyone is becoming more energy conscious everywhere. Your office space should be on that list, too. Doing a little bit can save a lot of money in the long run. Read these twelve energy saving tips that cam make a big difference in the cost of running your business.

If you are not using it, turn it off.

  1. Although it should be self-evident, however, if everyone turns off the lights as they head out of the door for their lunch hour, the energy saved would be enough to light about 10 million square meters of office space every year.
  2. Computer monitors are responsible for more than a third of your computer's energy consumption. If you aren't using your monitor, put it to sleep. Also, turn your computer off before you leave every day. It costs you nothing, but it will save the company money.
  3. Laptops use about 90% less energy than PCs, so allowing your employees to use laptops is a great energy savings. If you have PCs, then flat panel screens use considerably less energy than ordinary CRT monitors. Also, the bigger the monitor, the more energy it consumes. A 17 inch monitor uses 35% more energy than a 14 inch monitor.
  4. Whenever possible, use sunlight to illuminate work spaces, however, if the sunlight raises the temperature in the room, then close the blinds and turn on the lights because a light bulb uses far less energy than running the air conditioner to compensate for the higher room temperatures. Turn the thermostat up to 78 degrees and allow your employees to wear suitable attire. By raising the thermostat you will save 2% of your energy bill for every degree you raise the temperature.
  5. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. The compact fluorescent bulb uses 75% less energy than an incandescent bulb.
  6. An often forgotten energy tip is to clean your lighting fixtures to remove dust grease and other dirt will increase the output on your lights.
  7. Install occupancy sensor room-lighting controls that will turn off your lights or turn them on, depending on whether a person is in the room or not.
  8. Solar window films can save your business between 5 and 10% each year. In addition to saving you money on your cooling costs, it reduces ultraviolet radiation and reduces glare.
  9. If your business has a loading dock, keep the doors closed unless they are needed. This will help prevent the air conditioning from escaping.
  10. Insulate water heaters and supply pipes.
  11. Insulate walls and ceilings whenever possible.
  12. Install Energy Star labeled reflective roofing materials.

For more energy saving tips, visit PWA Engineering at 757/366.5325. PWA are the experts in power, water and air conversation.

Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is an SEO Specialist with Ciniva. Ciniva Systems is in charge of SEO for PWA Engineering.

Small Bath Tubs For Small Bathrooms

Most home owners are faced with the dilemma of how to install bath tubs in a small bathroom. You have two options to solve this dilemma. Either you do away with bath tub installation or you can use small bath tubs that will fit in your bathroom.

Small bath tubs can offer numerous benefits for you. That is why you have to make sure that a bath tub can be installed in your bathroom. Here are the advantages you can get from them and some tips on bath tub installation.

Health Benefits

Bath tubs have dual functions. You can use them to take a bath but they can also provide many healthy benefits. By soaking in a warm bath, you can effectively solve muscle pain problems and muscle soreness.

Muscle pains are common problems of most working people like you. It is not always advisable to take pain relievers because you can develop dependence on these medicines.

A warm bath every night is an effective alternative for taking pain relievers. And you can only achieve full body muscle relaxation if you have a bath tub at home. This way, you will feel reinvigorated and your pains can go away.

Warm bath is also very helpful for those with arthritis, rheumatism, and other types of joint pain problems. Soaking in a warm bath therefore can improve the quality of your life.

Use Small Bath Tubs to Save Bathroom Space

Using small bath tubs is a practical alternative to big and bulky tubs. You can save a lot of bathroom space if you use them. In fact you can install an overhead shower above the bath tub so you can take a bath immediately after soaking in the tub.

Most small tubs are short so you can easily install them in the corner area of your bathroom. This way, your tub will not hamper your movements in the bathroom.

How to Choose the Perfect Small Bath Tub

When buying one, always choose a deep soaking tub. A deep soaking bath tub will allow you to fully soak your body in it. Remember, these are shorter so if they are not the deep soaking types, they would be very difficult to use.

You must also find a small bath tub that has a built-in seat. This seat will allow you to comfortably recline inside the tub for a full body soaking. Without a built-in seat, it would be very uncomfortable to lie down inside the tub.

It is also best if you can find a walk-in small bath tub. A walk-in tub has a specially designed swing-in water tight door. This swing-in door will allow you to easily enter and get out of the tub.

A walk-in tub will be very useful for the elderly who have difficulty climbing in and out of the tub.

When you have a small bathroom, then there is no reason why you cannot install a tub. Just utilize small bath tubs that can fit perfectly into a corner. Because of its many benefits and advantages, you will not regret your decision to install one in your bathroom.

George Edmondson is an accomplished writer who specializes on small bath tubs help and advice. If you want to learn more about small batch tubs, simply visit

Save Water and Energy With Waterless Cooking

Is waterless cooking for you? It is if you want to enjoy the best tasting food, save energy and use much less water than with conventional cooking. Waterless Cookware fits perfectly into a modern green lifestyle. Whether selecting organic, local farm produce or regular supermarket fare, this cooking method will deliver the very best taste as the food cooks in its own natural juices. It is estimated that food loses around 40% of its natural vitamins and minerals with conventional cookware, but only 2% or 3% with waterless cookware.

Energy saving comes from the use of only medium heat to begin cooking and then, once the steam valve begins to whistle, the heat is reduced to low or turned off to complete the cooking process. High heat is never used with waterless cookware. The best products are constructed of surgical stainless steel which gives an excellent, gleaming appearance and last for the life of the product with just occasional cleaning. It offers high corrosion resistance due to an invisible, passive oxide coating that forms on the surface of the metal in air. Hospitals use surgical stainless steel because it can be kept clean and sterile. Waterless cookware has an iron core and an aluminum or copper plate in the base. The base is made up of different layers of metal (plies) with the aluminum or copper sandwiched between layers of stainless steel. The best waterless cookware will be 5 ply or better. This construction encourages the distribution of heat more evenly than conventional cookware. Multi-ply cookware also allows stack cooking. Once the stem valve has signaled that the correct temperature has been reached, the valve is closed and the pans can be stacked on top of each other to complete the cooking process. Heat is transferred from the bottom pan to the top. Also, because the steel is so clean and durable, it provides a much better cooking surface than aluminum or Teflon as these can wear off over time and get into the food.

There is a special steam release valve lid that keeps liquid from escaping. The lid forms a seal with the pot and locks in the natural moisture that usually escapes from the food during the cooking process. The food then cooks at a more constant temperature because of the cookware's heat retention properties and the steam heat inside the pot. Another benefit if the superior heat distribution of Waterless Cookware is that there is less chance of burning or sticking, which makes the cookware easier to clean. It also means that there is no need to use cooking oils to prevent sticking.

While it is referred to as Waterless Cookware it is necessary to rinse any food in water and then drain, prior to cooking. There will then be enough water clinging to the food to mix with the food's natural juices and cook it. Cooking times are similar to or slightly less than conventional cookware and obviously depend on personal taste as to the serving texture preferred. It is important to resist the urge to peek. If the cover is removed during cooking, heat and steam will be allowed to escape, so this will lengthen the cooking time and dry out the food.

Using Waterless Cookware is probably the healthiest, most energy efficient way to cook. It is more expensive than conventional cookware, but its superior construction and energy saving cooking process will pay for the difference over time.

Peter O'Grady is the owner of It's Eco and writes about a variety of subjects involving our impact on the environment and the options available for living a healthy and sustainable green lifestyle. Visit and share your comments and questions.